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@ St. Thomas' - The People Worship!

Welcome to our community of worship. At St. Thomas', we worship in the abundant life that Jesus promised us in John 10:10. We worship in the Episcopal style according to our Book of Common Prayer. Our worship features an excellent choir which sings traditional, contemporary and gospel music. We share the bread and wine of the Lord's Supper every Sunday. We worship using either Evening Prayer or in the Taize (chanting & meditation) style on Wednesday evenings except during the summer.

People worship at St. Thomas' because people participate. People from the congregation read from the Bible every Sunday. Men and women help distribute the bread and wine of the Lord's Supper among the congregation. Young people serve at the altar and lead our opening processions. The congregation is invited to respond many times during worship. Our children and youth participate in worship singing songs or performing a play. Come and be part of it.

Worship at St. Thomas' is relaxed and come as you are comfortable. A loving, safe, nursery is available for infants and toddlers. See you on Sunday!


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© May 2008 by The Rev. Jeff Douglas